DHT11 sensor reading on Raspberry PI 2

I recently bought a Raspberry PI 2 and started playing with it. At first I experimented with DHT11 digital temperature and humidity sensor using Python. I tried to read data only by reading the user manual of the sensor. I had timing issues (which I accounted for that the Raspberian is not real time operating system and secondly that I used interpreted Python), but I finally create a small library that uses bare Python (with GPIO library) and works most of the time: https://github.com/szazo/DHT11_Python Using e.g.

Creating Windows 10 Visual Studio 2015 VirtualBox Vagrant box using Packer

I have recently started using Vagrant with VirtualBox to isolate development environments for several projects on my Ubuntu. In this way I can create a clean development environment with preinstalled softwares easily. In this tutorial I will create a new Windows 10 box with Visual Studio 2015. I would like to document the main steps of creating the template virtual machine without going into details about configuration possibilities of the components I use.

Using Moodle Choice activity for event application

One of our customer would use Moodle for an event application, because all of the users are already in it and they wouldn’t use a new system for this. In an event there were more groups. Users allowed to join into this groups by selecting a role. Every group was limited number of places in every role. I wouldn’t install any plugin for this, after some research, I found that the Choice activity is good for this.

C# base Id class with static convenience methods


Recently I read Vaughn Vernon’s Implementing Domain-Driven Design book, in it he uses specific classes for identifiers instead of using basic types for example Guid or String.

It is good because the code will be more readable using for example ProductId and CustomerId types and it help avoiding mistakes of using e.g. product id instead of customer id as method parameter, because the compiler will complain.